ARP Committee 1/12/22

We only took up two items. We did not finish going through the agenda. There will be a special called meeting likely on Wednesday with details to come.

First, I would like to stress the importance of taking the HubNashville survey. It will be closed at the end of the month. You can take the survey here.

I pushed to hold off on recommendations until the next meeting when the survey responses would all be in. While I agree that small business relief is a pressing matter, I believe we do not have a grasp on the big picture. We have immediate healthcare needs in which cost analysis are still being worked on that have not been factored in. We have trash not being picked up on time for days that is an immediate concern. CM Gamble asked to have childcare added to the survey and it was the third most important concern in the preliminary report. We have not factored that into our plans. Operating with priorities in mind is the direction I would like to see us go in. I believe this can be accomplished in a month. It is also important that community voices are heard. If not, what was the point of the survey?

Item 1: Nashville Small Business Recovery Fund- $10M

We decided to table this item until next week to workout some of the details. CM Toombs also has a resolution along with CM Hurt allocating 70M. That amount included this 10M. At the meeting she informed us that the amount will be lowered to 35M. The committee will be working-out details at the special meeting.

Item 2: Economic Development Plan- $1.1M

This recommendation passed. I abstained for the same reasons given above. I do believe it is important to have a economic plan for the city. The Economic and Community Development Director will be choosing the steering committee. I stressed the importance of having minority voices as well as labor/worker members. We need to make sure this city enters into deals and attracts businesses that do not hurt the people that live and work in this city.

We received the preliminary report from the survey. There is still time to complete it. Here is what we are seeing so far. I would like to note that one of the zip codes I represent, 37211, had the highest response rate which was surprising. We tend to not have as much turnout compared to other areas. I will note that only a little over 1,000 people have taken the survey. We need to get the word out to Davidson County Residents.

Sandra Sepulveda