ARP Committee 3/9/22

Mary Jo gave a very important update that that she had just received earlier in the day from the TN Municipal League. It stated that some ARP funds could possibly to be rescinded.

“As a result of the federal negotiations taking place between congressional leaders and the white house, the SLFRF funds may be used to offset supplemental funding that the White House has requested for the next phase of Covid response as well as to help fund humanitarian aid to the people of Ukraine.”

As a reminder we had only received the first half of our allocated funds from treasury. They are structuring the rescission so that it is first made to the order as followed.

  1. States

  2. Territories

  3. Tribal Governments

  4. local and county governments

We may or may not be impacted. I am glad that we are at the bottom of that list. There is optimism/ hope that we won’t be too impacted. That being said, we only have 4.9 M left. Sure makes me wish we had waited on certain funding items in the past but here we are.

UPDATE: This was removed frome the legislation.

  1. Music venue study- $260,000

2. NSBRF- $1,774, 960

There was discussion about making sure marketing money was not duplicated. Not wanting two or more nonprofits reaching out to the same media outlets.

3. United way and RAPHAH Institute-$7,519,000

I am very excited about this recommendation! The initiative would not only address childcare deserts but can potentially be pivotal in children’s lives that could lead to lower incarceration rates. $503,000 was added from their original ask to add grassroots organizers to target the Latino and Kurdish community. Minority communities tend to take children to family member, people down the street they know, etc. The pilot for home-base childcare aims to provide resources for high quality education and provide business support. It also aims to stabilize their incomes.

Sandra Sepulveda