ARP Committee 5/11/22

You will notice that we did not fully fund the proposals. We were down to our last few dollars. We do not expect to receive the other half of our ARP funds until June or July. It was the committee’s intention that the organizations from both proposals will returning once the remaining funds are received so we can vote on funding the remainder of the ask. One more thing to note is that the proposals extend beyond two years. Usually request have been funded for two years. There is nothing really stopping the committee from extending it beyond that as long as it’s before the deadline.

1) Nashville Eviction Right To Council- $2,610,000

We have been struggling for a long time to find resources for tenants being evicted. Several being evicted for profit. One thing that should be noted is that Judge Bell has expressed interest in having attorneys present at her court to help tenants. As many know, there is no right to council when you are involved in civil cases.

2) Immigration Legal Services in Davidson County- $1,820,585

The proposal includes plans for not only individual consultations but clinics. It should be noted that several other counties in the country have used ARP funds for this purpose including Shelby County. During our ARP survey, we had a question asking for any other priorities not listed. In the responses received, there were several that listed this as a priority for funding.

3) Administrative Expense- $398,000

Sandra Sepulveda